HealthTech Event

Medical students, joined by CCI doctors, to discuss the utilisation of technology to advance healthcare globally.

About this event

Critical Care International launched its Student Essay Competition in 2021.

Following on from the essay competition, CCI are hosted an online panel event, which occurred on Tuesday 18th January at 17:30 GMT. A selection of students who submitted essays were joined by CCI doctors to discuss the utilisation of technology to advance healthcare globally. We have added the recommended and further reading lists below the stuent’s essay titles. 

Student panel and essay title:

Lissa Darby

“Hello! My name is Lissa and I’m a 4th year medical student at the University of Southampton, where I’m rotating through placements trying to narrow down my ideas of how (or if!) to specialise. My mind is still very much open, but will be somewhat guided by an interest in global health, a desire to work abroad and a dislike of sitting down for too long…”

Essay – Looking up: the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to improve access to healthcare in low and middle-income countries (University of Southampton )

Further reading for use of UAVs in improving global healthcare!


Lilian Hartman

Lilian is a fifth year medical at the University of Oxford, and also has a BA in Medical Sciences and an MSc in Global Health & Epidemiology. Her interests lie in non-communicable disease prevention and nutrition. She is interested in the use of health data, and has used large datasets such as the UK Biobank in some of her research.

Essay – Record linkage: how the use of pre-existing data could change health research and care across the globe (University of Oxford)


Yeswanth Akula

“My name is Yesh and I am a 5th year medical student from Brighton. I am interested in tropical medicine and technology usage to improve access to healthcare. I hope to continue learning about ways in which medicine is constantly changing and how the structure of healthcare will adapt to an increasingly challenging environment.”

Essay – Future of AI in Medicine (Brighton & Sussex Medical School)

Reading list – Link for mentioned NHS robot,than%20through%20conventional%20procedural%20code. – What is an expert system? – Watson for Oncology 

Stay tuned. We look forward to seeing you at our next event.