Student Essay Competition 2023

Critical Care International is excited to announce our 2023 Student Essay Competition, on the theme of ‘Community-based Change and Innovation’!

The aim is to explore the impacts of communities across the globe on healthcare, and to consider the role of community in the future of healthcare.

In particular, this year’s competition focusses on the influence of arts and culture, increasing life expectancy and the ‘post pandemic experience’ on healthcare provision and behaviour, and is an opportunity to reflect on how these areas could influence sustainable healthcare solutions.

The essay competition is one of a range of opportunities, offered by CCI, for healthcare students interested in the fields of remote medicine and global health. To stay updated on future announcements and projects, including our elective bursary and remote internship programs, follow us @critcareint on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

For further details on essay titles, submission parameters and judging criteria, please read below.

Essay Titles: (one submission allowed per applicant)

  • Consider the role of the community, arts and culture in healthcare.
  • Explore the ‘post-pandemic’ impacts on healthcare-seeking behaviour.
  • Discuss the consequences of a longer life expectancy on healthcare.

Who can enter?

The essay competition is open to medical, nursing and paramedic students at recognised teaching institutions in the UK and Netherlands.  Submissions are now open and will close at 11:59pm on Sunday 5th February 2023.  


  • The winner will receive:
  • Both runners-up will receive a monetary prize of £150. 
  • All three winners will have the chance to publish their work on the CCI website and to discuss their essays with a panel of CCI doctors.  

Essay specifications: 

  • The essay submission must be anonymous; it should not include acknowledgements, names or institutions that could identify the applicant.
  • Applicants must be medical, nursing or paramedic students currently enrolled in a full-time UK university course at the time of submission.  
  • The essay must be a maximum of 2000 words, including any titles and in-text references. Not included in the word count are the cover page and bibliography.   
  • The essay needs to be written in English with references written in the Harvard referencing style.  
  • The winner will be chosen by a panel comprised of CCI doctors and members of our operations team, as well as our current medical student intern.   
  • Only one submission may be made per applicant.  
  • The essay must be original work written in whole by the applicant.  
  • Late submissions will not be considered. 
  • Information about the applicant (e.g., name, age, course and year of study) will be held and used by Critical Care International for the purpose of awarding the prize. CCI will contact the winners directly and essays will be published on the CCI website. 

Judging Criteria:

  • The choice of winners will be based on a holistic judgement of the quality of application, including originality of content, style of writing and ability to enthuse readers.   
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to consider the theme of the competition in their submission, including global communities and perspectives, and innovation.

Submission Form

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please attach your essay as a text file – eg Word or Text