Case Study

Infectious Diseases

Female Anopheles biting human

The client, a global palm oil multinational, was concerned at the high burden of infectious disease experienced by employees operating at two of its plantations in Liberia.  A number of employees had become unwell multiple times over recent years and a number of executives had required medical evacuation.

Critical Care International were commissioned to undertake an independent review to assess how the risk of malaria and infectious diseases could be mitigated.  We conducted a health risk assessment that included an analysis and evaluation of disease prevalence, current controls and preventative measures as well as the medical care available from the point of initial illness through to hospital care and international medical evacuation. We also delivered a training package to management onsite that aimed at reducing rates of malaria, gastroenteritis and other diseases transmitted by insect vectors.

Our assessment contained clear, practical recommendations addressing policy, planning, staffing, equipment, medical consumables, training as well as  emergency protocols.  Its implementation has resulted in a significant improvement in workforce health as well as the quality of medical care.   As a result, worker absenteeism has been lowered, productivity has increased and client costs reduced.

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