Case Study

Quality Assurance & Telehealth

CCI devised a suite of bespoke clinical protocols and clinic management procedures for two remote clinics in northern Canada, staffed by an in-house client team. CCI’s Telehealth service also provides them with instant access, 24/7. to our panel of emergency and critical care doctors, offering support in managing critically-ill patients and improving decision-making in cases of clinical uncertainty.

Through the adoption of our telehealth service and clinical governance protocols at these remote sites, CCI were able to reduce unnecessary medical evacuations by 67% and 37% at the two sites over a 4-month period, without compromising patient safety or quality of care. These reductions translated into significant cost savings of approximately $30,000 per month,  and minimized lost work time for our client, given that most medical evacuations result in at least three days off site, and often necessitate the medic to travel with the patient, further straining on-site resources. Our telehealth service effectively addressed this challenge, providing timely medical expertise for a population of approximately 2,000 individuals across these remote sites.

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